Accessibility & Functionality

The information provided about the parks is descriptive. Information about the response to COVID-19 is front and center and what it means for its residents. In addition, the website is setup as a horizontal and modular grid system.

When a visitor first sees the website, they notice the informational page about COVID-19. If they scroll down, a small ‘welcome to the park’ is displayed. Further through the web page you see modular boxes with pictures and links to another page. In addition, this page is accessible as the typography is large enough for those with visual impairment.


Anyone visiting the site would immediately know where to go as each part of the website flows naturally.

The structure of the website is organized and well-formed. If somone needed to find contact information, they would be able to find it. In addition, the website also lists the Board Members of Parramatta Park. There are links to the New South Wales (NSW) Government website and job listings at the park.

In sum, an organization needs a well-organized website that has accessibility and functionality. The text and background contrast each other so that anyone visually impaired would be able to see and read the screen. Pictures contained alternative text for screen readers and lastly, this website followed a structure that is easy for others to browse through.

Link: Parramatta Park