Zundert with Vincent's Painting of Zundert Garden
Photo of The Van Gogh Huis

The Van Gogh Huis

The original home of the Van Gogh family was torn down in the early 1900s, however the space is still being used to honor their history as a small museum. Take a guided tour through the museum’s varying exhibitions and get a taste of Zundert, both in present time and the past!

"Those were happy years, back then in Zundert! I feel as if we afterwards never had so much fun and were so pleasant together like there."

- Vincent's sister, Elisabeth, in a letter to him in 1864

The Sexton House

The Artist-In-Residence program is held here, encouraging up-and-coming artists to “follow in the footsteps of Van Gogh”. Each month a different artist is chosen to live in the guest house and put on a gallery display of their own art inspired by the surrounding area. The program has been running since 2011 and the next artist to be hosted is:

Loran van de Wier (December 2022)

The Sexton House & Gallery
Zundert Church & Cemetery

Church & Cemetery

Visit the church the Van Gogh family attended every Sunday. In the connected cemetery, you can visit the grave of Vincent's stillborn older brother with whom he shares the exact same name, Vincent Willem Van Gogh.