Nuenen with Vincent's Painting of Nuenen Church
A Side by Side of The Real Nuenen Church and One of Vincent's Paintings

Nuenen Church

This is the church which Vincent captured in many paintings and sketches, as well as in Congregation Leaving the Reformed Church in Nuenen (1884-1885, oil on canvas). When the Van Goghs moved to Nuenen, this was the church where Vincent's father, Theodorus, became pastor.


Vincentre is an “outdoor museum” centered around places where Vincent painted or places included in his work. As Vincent created about a quarter of his total artworks while staying in Nuenen, there are over 21 buildings and landscapes that speak to those with a discerning eye for Van Gogh.

Vincentre Museum
“Two rooms — one large and one small — en suite. ... I believe I’ll be able to work a good deal more pleasantly there than in the little room at home.”

- Vincent in a letter to Theo after settling in Nuenen


Bust Statue of Margot Begemann in front of Salon Nune Ville
Bronze Statue of Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh Monument, Eindhoven

Margot Begemann Bust


A small monument honoring Margot Begemann, a woman Vincent was romantically involved with for a short period of time.

Vincent van Gogh

Klaas van Rosmalen (1984)

A bronze statue of Vincent carrying a sketchbook in plain travel clothes.

Van Gogh Monument

Hilda Krop (1932)

The first monument in Nuenen made to honor Vincent. It's a large stone pillar with a sun emblem forged on one side.