Home 1920's-1930's Chapter 28 Video Power Point Skit Grading Rubric


Directions: Accurately apply the vocabulary in the word bank to ONE of the sentence stems.  You may only use each word ONE time.  Each sentence you create must be specific to the 1920s.  Be sure to write neatly and read the rubric below.

I can describe what life was like for people in the United States during the 1920s.

I can accurately apply the unit’s vocabulary.




3 Standards Exceeds

 2.5 Meets Standards

1.5 Below Standard

Life in the 1920s and vocabulary

All criteria from meets standard met AND applies knowledge learned beyond the classroom.

Vocabulary was used correctly AND I showed that I understand the word by the context I put it in.

I described what life was like in the 1920s through 1920s specific events and thorough examples.

Vocabulary word was omitted, reused and/or incorrect.

I did not accurately describe what life was like during the 1920s and/or the description was vague

I listened…

I smelled…

I watched…

I tasted…

With my hands, I…

I felt…