In the movie Goodfellas, after young Henrey Hill leave the court room, his mentor James Conway gives some words of advice Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut. ...
I think this quotes rings true. If a person is caught doing something wrong, they should take responsibly for it. Trying to get your friends in trouble to save yourself is being a coward.
Movie Info: IMDB
Forest Gump
"My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get".In the Movie Forest Gump, Forest starts rambling on about his life to a stranger on a park bench while waiting for the bus.
This is very true. A person never knows what life will throw at them. Each day is different from the last. Much like a box of chocolates. Each chocolate a person picks out of the box may be different than the last.
Movie Info: IMDB
The Godfather: Part II
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"
In the movie The Godfather: Part II, Michel Corleone is talking with a business associates that he isn’t too sure about.
This quote signifies that one can trust their friends but not their enemies. One must keep their enemies closer to uncover their secret plans or intentions.
Movie Info: IMDB