Course Reflection-Alejandro

Before I started this class I had no experience with internet publishing.
Over the past few months I have learned a lot from internet publishing.
The basic of internet publishing seem simple so far and I'm enjoying it quiet myself.
Even though this is exactly what I'm majoring publishing a website I would absoutely like to learn
more about internet publishing and I will as I keep practing with HTML/CSS it seems pretty fun to me.

If I were to explain this course to someone else I would say this course is pretty much learning how to
create your own website with HTML/CSS and using a word processor such as Notepad or Notpad ++.

The two things I learned so far from this course would be how to add color to a paragraph or heading
and how to make that text bold or italic. I also learned how to add a link making the user go to that website
when he/she clicks on it.

There is a lot of skills I have gathered so far making it easier on publishing a website in the near future.
Such as making a website look neat and organized by adding break points in the paragraph. Making some text
look appealing to the user by adding some bold fonts and text styles. Also adding images making it friendly
for the user and from what I just earlier adding links to make it easy for the user.

The problems I had with the assignments is when I would finish an assignment the website would look similar to the
example that was given then when I would upload the assignment the website would change and not look similar
like the example until I emailed the professor why this would happened and she explained to me this was a normal
thing when uploading the assignment to the dropbox and then my worries went away after her telling me this.

The resourse that has helped me a lot throughout this course is Khan Academy. I like how Khan Academy slow based
meaning it explains everything clearly and slowly making it quick to grasp and understanding. The videos explain
everythin smoothly when it comes trying an example or project on your own you can go back to those videos making
that project or example simple to do.

Elgin Community College